Industrial supply company that provides a wide range of industrial equipment ranging from household appliances and office, until the workshop tools.
ENGINEERING ANDESGO engaged in SERVICE construction and Bars ( Wrought Iron) With serviced by professional experts. Doing Construction: LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL ( zincolum and Galvanize) ....
PT. Rinusindo Group was founded in Padang on July 14, 2009 by Notary Yenita Asmawel, SH Jl. Vetran no. 32B, as the agreement between PT. Vanel Andalas Prima ( Ex. CV. Vanel) with PT. Rinusindo Group.....
Development & Co Building Materials Store located in Jl. S. Parman howl Padang - West Sumatra. Provide building materials, perkayuan, Hollow Brick, cement, sand and electrical equipment