as a detector of hemostasia and thrombus in .... on photoelectric principle and can put up items of PT, APTT, TT, FBG and active measurements of many cruor factors. 3. It has a device reagent-adding....
General Trade with the new vision in 2012 and new division to supply the market' s demand.
The KXTDA100 is a hybrid IP PBX system to fulfil .... 160 Extension ( Physical Extension Card) : 160 IP-PT and IP Softphone : 64 Telephone : 160 SLT : 96 KX-T7600 series DPT : 128 KX-T7560/ KX....
Logistics, Cargo Land Sea Air Freight, FCL LCL Container, Domestic Cargo, Warehouse , Container, Trucking Jakarta from/ to West Sumatra, West Sumatera, Padang, Bukittinggi, Pekanbaru Riau, Dumai, ....
Biophosko ( Rotary Klin RKE-1000L Type) .... decomposition process took places- along with symptoms: Composter Reactor got heated/ hot, ( up to 70 degree celcius) , a steam comes up, do the....
Technology tablets and mixing ( granulation .... Decree of the Minister of Agriculture Decree No. 09 / Kpts / TP.260 / 1 / 2003. These regulations refer to Regulation No. 8 TH 2001 and Law No. 1992....
Seed Garden of PT. Multi Tama Mulia has 2 ( two) location in the Basecamp. Block A can be held about 50.000 poly bags. Block B can be held more than 200.000 poly bags.
PT. Multi Tama Mulia established in 1986. The main business of the company is in Cocoa Plantation. The location of Plantation is in Lubuk Basung, Agam-West Sumatera, INDONESIA. Distance from Padang ....